Community Bus

The community bus is available to hire. The set charge for the bus is $1.08 per kilometre. A bond of $100.00 must be deposited at the Shire prior to the bus departing.

The bond will be refunded after an inspection of the bus on its return.

Any drivers of the community bus must have the relevant licence class. A minimum of a “LR” class must be held by the nominated driver/s before approval will be granted. Holding a “LR” licence and being a nominated driver requires that no consideration be sought for driving otherwise insurances become null and void and you will be held personally liable. Drivers of bus must hold an “F” endorsement if consideration in any form (e.g money, token gifts or similar) is being sought. The hirer will be responsible for:

  • Cleaning the vehicle inside and out after each use
  • Reporting any damage
  • Malicious or deliberate damage

Smoking is not permitted on the community bus in any circumstance.The vehicle is not to be driven under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

Community Bus Booking Form