The Shire of Wickepin is continually planning for the future to meet community needs.
We invite you to rate local services, facilities and programs in your area by completing this survey. All ratepayers and residents aged over 18 years are invited to take part. Please only submit one response per person by no later than Thursday 27 April 2023.
Responses will remain confidential, and your answers will not be linked to your identity.
If you have any questions about this study, or require assistance, please contact Ms Mel Martin at the Shire Office on (08) 9888 1005 or at
Thank you for your assistance with this important study.
For your chance to win one of ten "$100 Buy Local Prizes", please provide your name and address in the section above or leave blank to remain anonymous.
Please submit this survey by no later than Thursday 27 April 2023.