2024/2025 Bush Fire Season
Burning Times
Restricted 1 October 2024– 31 October2024
Prohibited 1 November 2024– 7 February 2025
Restricted 8 February 2025– 14 April 2025
Burning Permits
To obtain a burning permit during the required season, contact your local bush fire control officer, listed below.
Automatic Harvest Bans
An automatic harvest ban applies throughout the shire on Christmas Day, Boxing Day & New Years Day.
No lighting of fires on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
Bush Fire Control Officers
Chief Bush Fire Control Officer - Trevor Leeson 0427 881 800
Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer - Luke Lansdell 0427 886 796
Chief Executive Officer - Kellie Bartley 0429 207 855
Manager Works & Services - Graeme Hedditch 0429 882 871

Notice to all Owners and/or Occupiers of Land in the Shire of Wickepin.
Pursuant to the powers contained in Section 33 of the Bush Fires Act 1954, owners and occupiers of property within the Shire of Wickepin are hereby required on or before 1 October 2024 and thereafter to 14 April 2025 to plough, scarify or otherwise provide and maintain firebreaks clear of all inflammable material at least 2.5 metres wide as follows –
Rural Land
Inside the boundary of all land held by each owner or occupier, firebreaks need not follow the perimeter of any paddock and will be acceptable following land contours in an endeavour to overcome water erosion –
- To subdivide each holding into lots of no greater than 400 hectares; and
- To surround the homestead, out buildings and fuel storages on any such land.
- From 15 October 2024 all harvesting, baling and stubble crunching (including cutting and raking) operations, there shall be an operational mobile engine powered firefighting unit or units with a minimum combined capacity of 1,200 litres of available water, located in or immediately adjacent to the paddock being harvested and / or baled. The minimum capacity of any single firefighting unit shall be 600 litres of available water. The responsibility to supply and operate the firefighting unit lies with the landowner and / or occupier.
Townsite Land
All lots within the townsites of Harrismith, Tincurrin, Toolibin, Wickepin and Yealering are required to be cleared and maintained free of all debris or inflammable material. Failure to comply with these requirements renders the owner or occupier liable to a penalty of $5,000.
Clearing of Fence Lines
When clearing for new fence lines adjoining road reserves, you must have written approval from the Shire of Wickepin prior to commencement of clearing works. Landholders are asked to consider locating the fence three (3) metres inside the boundary to avoid any clearing on road reserves. Old fences should first be removed. If landholders wish to place the fence on the boundary, they may clear no more than one (1) metre beyond the boundary. This may be varied in special circumstances at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer of the Shire of Wickepin. Any timber removed from the road reserve is to be pushed onto the owner’s property.
Fencing of Road Reserves
Council encourages farmers to fence off road reserves running through properties to protect trees on these reserves and to allow new growth of vegetation.
Burning on Roadsides
Should property owners wish to carry out burning of the road reserve adjacent to the property, it is necessary to obtain Shire approval prior to any burning taking place.
Safe Harvesting Practices
Total Fire Ban Fact Sheet
Fire Chat
Scheme Water during a Bushfire
Bush Fire Uniforms
A reminder to Bush Fire Volunteers; Bush Fire uniforms are available from the Shire of Wickepin admin office with one free uniform per registered brigade volunteer. Come into the Shire to retrieve your free uniforms. Uniforms come in men's sizes 89L, 92R etc, and not S/M/L/XL. We recommend you come and try the uniforms on for the best fitting.
Why wear flame retardent uniforms
Care and maintenance for your uniforms